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Showing posts from January, 2014

Knee Pain Relief: Holistic Solutions Part Two

Knee Pain Relief: Holistic Solutions Part Two By Ashley Redford MA, HHE, CSMT, CAMT, CAYT, CWHP   It brings me great joy to live in a body that is fifteen years older and no longer limited  by moment-to-moment pain. I hope you were able to work with the tennis ball on your Sp10 point and found some relief. I was just telling one of my clients tonight that he can sleep on his side with a pillow in between his knees and place the tennis ball on the same point to work on bringing more circulation and release of tension and pain to the knee area while he sleeps. He looked shocked but quite pleased when I asked him how he might feel in the morning after having this area worked on for a few hours every night while he slept. I have used this on myself for years to decrease back pain from a tight psoas/groin area and usually recommend this for all of my pregnant gals to keep their hips open and low back free from pain and stiffness. Give it a try and see how you feel in the

Knee Pain Relief: Holistic Solutions

Knee Pain Relief: Holistic Solutions By Ashley Redford MA, HHE, CSMT, CAMT, CAYT, CWHP   It brings me great joy to live in a body that is fifteen years older and no longer limited  by moment-to-moment pain. Get a tennis ball and place it in between your knees. You can be seated in a chair, on your bed, or on the floor. Keep your feet together and press your knees into the tennis ball. The exact starting point is 4 fingers-width above your knee cap on the edge of the inner thigh muscle/vastus  medialis. Should it hurt? Yes! If it doesn't, move the tennis ball until you feel the acupressure point. You will notice a healthy pain/release relationship if you are on the point itself rather than just the muscle. Stay on this point while you read the article and then notice how your knees feel when you get up and walk around. No one likes pain. It doesn't seem to matter where in the body pain occurs. It simply is no fun. Every time I see someone limping, walk

Pain Relief, Point Release, Overall Relaxation, Increased Mobility and Function

Pain Relief, Point Release, Overall Relaxation,  Increased Mobility and Function By Ashley Redford MA, HHE, CSMT, CAMT, CAYT, CWHP   It brings me great joy to live in a body that is fifteen years older and no longer limited  by moment-to-moment pain. PRT was created in 1999 (originally trademarked as Acussage) when after an injury that left me in constant pain, I had nothing but surgery, medication, major medical bills, and loss of function in which to turn. During my Master's degree in Somatic Psychotherapy and Holistic Health Education and becoming a Certified Acupressure Massage Therapist and Instructor, I decided to use myself as a subject. I found that the options to decrease pain and increase function were overwhelming, but I persisted and applied the knowledge to my degrees and certifications during specializations and thesis paper. As a result, I became acquainted with my body in a way I did not know was possible.The subtle levels of listening to pre-pain sign